Monday, September 20, 2010








Alright! I went through all my pictures of FTSK and picked out the best ones. I have had such an amazing time interviewing FTSK for Substream Music Press! I've seen them live before and they are fantastic. I loved this show! They will never cease to impress me :-) It was the first time I've seen FTSK in Alabama! Another amazing first, it was my first ALL ACCESS SHOW! It came as a surprise, which was awesome :-) Courtesy of their manager, Robi!! All Access is exactly what it sounds like, but at a show it's like the Golden Ticket. You can see the show, from the crowd or side stage, which is only for people with backstage access. As a member of the crowd you get a small window of opportunity to meet the band after the show, but all access means you can hang out with the band before and after they walk off the stage.

At one point while some of the openers were playing I walked backstage and Caleb Turman was just playing songs. I walked up and was just listening and started talking to him about these songs. He's like I just wrote these today. He is a fantastic song writer :-) He played a song and was like what do you think? I'm still in shock and just let him know that the songs are AWESOME!!!! Then he says, want to hear another one? I'm thinking YES YES YES! but I just say sure, if you want to play another one I will listen. It was like my own acoustic show :-D

Can you tell I had a great time! It was something I will never forget. Thanks again to Robi!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Still Here

AHHHH! I forgot my password, but I finally reset it! Pictures of Forever the Sickest Kids? Coming up as soon as possible/tomorrow.

As a bonus... pictures of Boys Like Girls playing their first full band show in Alabama!!!!!!!